
Service for moistureMASTER, Ruck, Brink, Meltem and hydraMASTER products please contact our Customer Services Centre on 0800 866 855.

Filters for all ventilation systems should be replaced at least annually to first maintain warranty provisions and then to ensure the long term integrety of your system. Please contact us if you are not receiving email reminders for this.

Click here to order moistureMASTER filters. For replacement filters of all Brink, Meltem and Sonair products please contact our Call Centre on 0800 866 855

How to reset your controller following a filter change:

LED Control Panel: If the ‘FILTER’ light is on it is time for the filter to be changed. The ’FILTER’ light is only a reminder to change the filter, not an indication that there is a problem. Push and hold the ‘VENTILATION SOURCE’ button for 15 seconds then release. If the filter light does not go out hold the ‘MODE’ button for 15 seconds. (This applies to older LED versions)

LCD Control Panel: To reset the filter reminder for 1 year Press and hold the “MENU” and " - ” buttons together for 15 second. Screen will show “Press MENU for filter advance” press menu again to advance filter for 1 year from todays date. The new filter date is displayed.